. SCARGlobal.



Securities Claims Advisory and Recovery.



Since 2003, SCAR’s team members have been performing securities, anti-trust and other investment instruments claims research, class actions management and related advisory. Whether it’s been within legal, litigation finance or institutional investor services teams, we’ve been foundational in helping investors recover billions in losses through the following services:

  • Claims due diligence;
  • Claims data analysis, validation, and management;
  • Loss econometrics;
  • Class actions operations;
  • Class member communications management;
  • Multi-party litigation project management;
  • ESG policy drafting, process design and related advisory;
  • Full service institutional account management including:
    • claims alerts;
    • claims identification;
    • real-time claims monitoring;
    • custom claims reporting; and
    • claims filing.
Having provided white-labelled services to leading industry participants since 2020, SCAR is proud to launch its direct services with complimentary alerts for institutional investors covering securities, anti-trust and other investment instruments – new and settling claims.

If you’re not already on the Alerts list, contact us to join. It’s free and confidential.

More information on the team and SCAR’s future services to follow soon.